3 Read-it-Later Tools for New Literacy
Let’s talk about managing information on the Internet. I don’t know about you, but as a writing teacher, it has been absolutely amazing to see the evolution of reading online. Once upon a time, it was a chore just to find information on a topic. Now, there seems to be almost no end to our reading options. This fact is especially true with how popular mobile reading has become. How do you teach your students to organize and save the reading material that matters most to them?
There’s 3 services we recommend reviewing for the task. They each have their own pros and cons, but they’re known for being reliable and having cross-device abilities, which is a huge plus. Check them out:
Using Writing with Design, you have the tested tools you need as a writing teacher. Add these reading tools, and you’ll also be able to supply your young writers with the means to save quality articles with ease. You could even call it the perfect pairing for a new form of literacy and writing success.
“How do you teach your students to organize and save the reading material that matters most to them?”
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